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+ ( 0/18 ) -
kave: auzi
kave: alege una
kave: fudgepacker sau chocolate stealer
dice: chocolate stealer
kave: ok
kave: you lil chocolate stealer
kave: haha
dice: LOL
01 Dec 2004 at 3:04 AM
+ ( 0/22 ) -
harb: http://www.revilocartoons.com/mcpage3.html
kv9: rofl
kv9: the grass looks like a week old shaved pussy
kv9: sau nu
kv9: lemme rephrase
kv9: the gras looks like a week old shaved pair of balls
kv9: dont ask me how i know that
11 Mar 2005 at 2:02 PM
+ ( 0/32 ) -
*speaking about lego*
kv9: eu am facut a lil 3 wheeled vehicle
kv9: w/ suspensions
kv9: cand am ramas fara net intro noapte
kv9: a few months back
04 Jul 2005 at 2:16 PM
+ ( 0/12 ) -
benishor: BAI
benishor: BAI
benishor: ? Sclav din Bv(23ani,70kg,1.86) caut stapana tot din Bv careia
sa-i placa sa-i fie linse picioarele, sa ma biciuiasca, uro-scato, etc.
Ro/Brasov (Internet) email: valica82@gmail.com
benishor: primul uro-scatofil de care aud in bv
benishor: cum pula mea o fi sa fii umilit
benishor: sa se cace o pizda pe tine
toshy: scrie-le
benishor: eu i-as rupe nasu'
benishor: din doua miscari
toshy: prolly ca o sa te contacteze
benishor: "futu-ti dumnezeii ma-tii de curva, n-ai buda ?"
05 Feb 2006 at 11:05 PM
+ ( 0/12 ) -
c2ina (Power User)
man...e o problema cu dvd asta.....mie imi pare sf filmului si apoi
poblicitate la nu stiu ce carte...poti sa ma lamuresti?
butch (Uploader)
.....ala e meniul
c2ina (Power User)
ciudat tare meniul ...
14 Aug 2006 at 11:52 PM
+ ( 0/8 ) -
[11:47] <lorinescu> like eu am dormit azi noapte cu raven
[11:47] <lorinescu> si cu siguranta nu am futut and sheeit
[11:47] <Raven007> eu da
23 Jan 2007 at 11:51 AM
+ ( 0/4 ) -
harb: si nu vrei sa accepti asta
harb: si apesi mai tare
harb: dai cu ea de fotoliu
harb: you jiggle it
14 Feb 2007 at 11:18 PM
+ ( 0/2 ) -
poc : life crits you for 12012. you fail
02 May 2007 at 2:29 PM
+ ( 0/4 ) -
harb: eh. it gets the job done
kv9: thats
kv9: what
kv9: she
kv9: said!
26 May 2007 at 2:05 AM
+ ( 1/39 ) -
[02:53] <n_am_somn> mata e asa de grasa ca nasa a trimis sateliti sa o
18 Apr 2003 at 3:00 AM
+ ( 1/57 ) -
<Tha_VyRuZ> te-ai mai angajat intre timp?
<Tha_VyRuZ> dulce
<Tha_VyRuZ> nu am mai vb cu tine de nshpe ani
<Tha_VyRuZ> drace :(
<kv9> lol
<kv9> dulce
<kv9> *slurrp*
<kv9> im freelancin
* kv9 licks Tha_VyRuZs neck
<kv9> mmm
<kv9> lol
<kv9> were gay
<Tha_VyRuZ> haha
<kv9> har har
18 May 2003 at 5:03 AM
+ ( 1/25 ) -
[21:29] *** bijou (DrAgosh@home-28005.b.astral.ro) has joined #rdemoparty
[21:29] <bijou> re ppl
[21:29] *** bijou (DrAgosh@home-28005.b.astral.ro) Quit (Quit)
06 Jun 2003 at 9:33 PM
+ ( 1/33 ) -
de pe #ILoveYou

<mendieta> deci cine e sefu canalului?
<Razvan^> de ce intrebi?
<mendieta> vreau sa vb cu ea
07 Jun 2003 at 7:39 PM
+ ( 1/29 ) -
* Shrekie slaps Dr_Bonez around a bit with a large trout
<Dr_Bonez> again?
<Dr_Bonez> incepe sa-mi placa
<Shrekie> yeap
* kdp has quit IRC (Quit)
<Dr_Bonez> mai da
<Shrekie> expect more...
<Dr_Bonez> :)
<Dr_Bonez> zapp me then
28 Jul 2003 at 1:49 PM
+ ( 1/27 ) -
[16:07] <SaNcT|ons> e rab
[16:07] <SaNcT|ons> 21st century arab
[16:07] <SaNcT|ons> ~8)
06 Aug 2003 at 4:07 PM
+ ( 1/27 ) -
* Cupidon{} is now known as Dute
* Dute is now known as NaiTupeu
* NaiTupeu is now known as NiciPola
* NiciPola is now known as Curaj
* Curaj is now known as Haicapoti
* Haicapoti is now known as Cupidon{}

hmm... I wonder was this guy was up to
09 Aug 2003 at 5:33 AM
+ ( 1/25 ) -
[00:08] <mistia> wtf is this southpark you keep talking about
22 Aug 2003 at 12:12 AM
+ ( 1/19 ) -
<wrhm> Don`t underestimate teh powa of hardwoodsolitaire
<Daisy`> si tetrisu in multiplayer
<wrhm> YEA!
<wrhm> la dublu
<wrhm> pa Mac ... sfiraie :>
<Daisy`> doble tetris
<SF> solitaire shooter
<Daisy`> double*
<Daisy`> lol
<Daisy`> pardon, am solitaire for Mac
<wrhm> da, si eu am DukeNukem for Mac
<SF> loll
<SF> cum merge un mac ?
<nervi> eu am gorilla.bas ptr mac
<wrhm> ... m&#259;c&#259;ind :>
<nervi> I rule
11 Sep 2003 at 2:02 PM
+ ( 1/27 ) -
[23:44] <KillSmile> s`a suparat!:<<
[23:44] <KillSmile> de ce nu l`ai bagat mah in zeama ratza handikapata ce
esti ..
12 Sep 2003 at 12:03 AM
+ ( 1/23 ) -
[14:02:44] <[RO][B][RDS]kristinna-krissa> ce filme noi au mai aparut?
[14:02:58] <[RO][B][RDS]kristinna-krissa> nu stiu ce film sa mai
i-au....ceva recomandari?
[14:02:59] <[RO][BUC][RDS]E_racer> check imdb.com
[14:04:26] <[RO][B][BNET]VyRuZ> nu stiu ce film sa mai i-au....ceva
sa mai "i-au" ?
[14:04:30] <[RO][B][BNET]VyRuZ> i-au batut, ce le-au facut?
[14:04:35] <[RO][IS][ROEDU]Daysleeper> Mortal Kombat
[14:04:44] <[RO][B][BNET]VyRuZ> cum ba sa ma "i-au"!
[14:04:49] <[RO][B][BNET]VyRuZ> bwhahaha
19 Sep 2003 at 2:06 PM
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